Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

One Term Left... (Wednesday 19th Nov 2014)

Dear Sal,

I woke up feeling incredibly motivated today. I think the surprise of not being hangover may have been a shocked to my body. None the less, I got out of bed and was ready for the day ahead. Recently I have been spending less and saving more. I am also smoking a lot less and spending more time at the gym, I feel goodThe last week of term sees many changes as students level up or stay in same class, old teachers leaves and new ones arrive. Two of my work colleges will be going at the end of this term, but only one will replace them.

Who our new compardre will be is always shrouded in mystery, as the days dwindle until their arrival. But there is another topic of conversation that occupies our day to day conversation in the break room. The new term schedule. Which classes will we get? Who gets the higher levels? Who gets the lower ones? who's working the most? And the most important question of all, who is working the least? within less then a few days all these questions will be answered. But I already have a feeling, in the pit of my stomach, that It will be I who be working the most, and I who will have the higher levels. And that sucks.

Unless this next term goes completely tits up, I plan on staying in Korea for another year. That is of course after a short three month break, that's one whole term off. I have yet to ask my manager if this will be OK, but after losing four teachers in as many months I hope that she doesn't want to lose me as well. 

The current plan is still not set in stone but will be along the lines of flying to Thailand with Jason and both of us taking our Celta. Looking back now, I had the time and the money to have done this before leaving England, but now is as good as anytime. After the month long training, I will make my way back to England. Although, which root I will take is still up for debate. Possibly through Russia on the Tran Siberian Railway or perhaps I will spend longer in Asia, maybe go to Vietnam or Cambodia. I have no idea, but I am very excited by the prospect of traveling.

However, I still need to talk to my manager and get through one more term, not to mention this week...

Love, hugs and only three days left. 

Samuel James


  1. Can't wait to visit your face when i'm out there....lets do Christmas 2015?! Sold? SOLD! xx
