Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

"People come and go so quickly here..." (Tuesday 2nd Sep 2014)

Dear Sal,

Sorry I haven't written sooner, the new term began last week and I have been extremely busy. With new classes to prepare for, new students names to remember and a new schedule to adjust to I have been rushed off my feet. The hectic last couple of weeks had almost distracted me from some of my close friends departure at the end of last term.

I hate saying goodbye. It's so hard. Coming to Korea you are thrown into such a strange environment that you develop such close bonds and friendships so fast. These people become family, you love them, you hate them and at the same time you need them. Unfortunately these intense relationship don't last, as people come and go so quickly here. And while some friendships are destine to remain in that bar when you where both drunk, every Friday for the last five months. Others are meant to last longer, way past the contract obligations of teaching in Korea.

I remember the process of the final goodbyes before leaving England six months ago, it was sad, but in the back of mind I knew this was only a temporary thing. I would come back to my friends and family eventually. But the friends you make here share a very unique experience that bonds you in a way I never expected. It's a bit like university, but without knowing that your parents can drive up at any point to rescue you when needed. You are completely alone with only your new friends for company, for stability. 

In the last week, a large number of people have come and gone. Some who I shared fleeting moments of fun with, who will fade from my mind within the next few months. And others who have made such an impact on my life I will never forget them, and never want to forget.

This year I already had to say the hardest goodbye of my life, I never expected I would be doing it again so soon. 

Love, hugs and see you later...

Samuel James.

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