Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Friday 29 August 2014

Summer Intensives... Part Four (Friday 22nd 2014)

Dear Sal...

Crack open the vodka and  prepare the bunting. The day has finally arrived. After four long weeks of early morning classes, I can breath a sigh of relief. Summer intensives are over. 

The last week of term has been chaos. After my room change on Monday I have nothing but problems all week. A man came Wednesday morning to put WiFi in my class room, which meant me and my students had to evacuate to another room, only for me to find my files wouldn't work on that computer. So off we went on an escapade to find yet another room suitable for my needs. For the rest of this week I have been migrating from room to room like a nomad.

The last week of term, as joyuous event as it is, has one financial downside. Pizza parties. I suppose it's a good idea. It certainly makes the kids happy and behave themselves. But buying pizza for over forty or so kids soon racks up. That's right, we have to pay for our own students. You think the school, who are making a small fortune I'm sure, would be kind enough to foot the bill. But no. They have been fun; Eating, talking, playing games and listening to music. A Korean teenage girl turns from a sweet, softly spoken thing into a squealing mess at the sight of EXO. a boy bad, I've been lead to believe, consisting of eleven members. I deeply regret playing that music video and can't get the bloody song out of my head.

A new teacher arrives tonight. We are going for a meal at the same place that we went on my first night, as the tradition continues. I can still remember like it was yesterday. The nerves, the tiredness, the confusion. I miss it. I look forward to meeting our new college and to reassure her she'll be fine.
I hope you had a good birthday and didn't drink too much. Who am I kidding?

Love, hugs and if I see one more bloody pizza...

Samuel James

1 comment:

  1. I had a lovely birthday thanks - ate 40 pizzas! Oh no wait...sorrrrrrry! Ha x
