Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Friday 1 August 2014

Summer Intensives... (Friday 1st Aug 2014)

Dear Sal...

Last week, something wonderful happened to the children of the world. School ended and the summer holidays began. They have five glorious weeks of no education, no homework, no studying, no words tests. Nothing to trouble their over worked little minds... But not in Korea. There will be no freedom for these children. Not with English academies out for all the money they can get. 

If it wasn't enough to keep these schools open through out the childrens holidays, in all their greedy wisdom the academies have something very exciting called, summer intensives. What's that I hear you ask? Well, I'll tell you. It's three additinal lessons a week in the mornings, along with the evening classes the students have to attend. Score!

So on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings I have to arise around eight thirty to start my three hour class at ten AM. It ins't too bad, I mean I do get over time for it, and it is only for four weeks. It's just that I have to work until ten PM everyday. My sleep pattern is all over the place. I long for my weekends, as my weekday activities have come to a grinding halt as my body adjusts to my erratic sleep pattern. 

I'm so tired and it's only been one week so far. Wish me luck. 

Love, Hugs and wait, what time is it?

Samuel James.  

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