Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

And the rain, rain, rain, come down, down, down... (Wednesday 13th Aug 2014)

Dear Sal,

Over the last few months we have been blessed in Daegu with exceptionally good weather, according to some people. But not now. It's typhoon season and it's been raining, a lot. While the westerners complain and moan, and the Koreans run for shelter and refuse to come out, I welcome the downpours with open arms. The air turns from the sweat dripping humidity, to refreshingly cool and damp. Not that I can really enjoy this change in weather as I spend most of the week in a windowless cell. I mean, classroom. 

Wednesday arrives and is like an oasis in the desert of Korean education. Finishing work at seven instead of ten makes a massive difference. The much needed evening class off makes Wednesdays one of my favorite days of the week. This week I went for dinner and drinks with friends. 

The decision making process as to where to eat is always a struggle. I have learned to go with the flow. Allowing other, more fussy people, to make the final call. I am more then happy to try anything in this country. I mean, I've already nearly eaten a whole pig. Belly, back, neck, intestine even hoof, the meat that is. I'm still looking for a restaurant that serves snout, but have found no success thus far. It was finally decided that we would dine in a place called 'What', a Korean barbecue place. 

For the last two months I have been on a beer ban. I had been drinking too much, it's a waste of money and I genuinely just hate the stuff. However, that evening I caved. I fell victim to peer pressure and had a beer. We also drank soju, bloody, buggery soju. As the night progressed so did the drinks. I originally planned to leave around eleven. This curfew was push back to twelve, then again to one. Around two I thought, maybe it's best to call it a night. But after drinking so much I thought it would be a good idea to get something to eat first. The last time I mixed this much alcohol I had one of the worst hangovers of my life, and I didn't want that to happen again. 

I have been in Korea for six months and I still have yet to learn the language. Something I have been meaning to do every week since I arrived. So going to traditional Korean restaurants is always a game of chance. Normally, it is as simple as pointing to a picture on the wall and hoping the meat is pork and not dog, but last night there where no pictures... So, after some tough decision making on my part, I pointed at two dishes with absolutely no idea what I had just ordered. 

I was pleasantly surprise by the first dish, which was some sort of blood sausage. The second dish however, left me slightly concerned. When I asked the woman what meat I was reluctantly consuming, she rubbed her belly and said 'baby'. I only hope she didn't mean hers. Whatever I ate, the next day I was blessed with no hangover. Had I finally found the cure I've searching for all these years? Only time will tell...

Love, hugs and what the hell is this?

Samuel James


  1. Oh thats where M ended up..Korea! Who knew! x ps i hope you know who im talking about when I say 'M' otherwise this makes no sense! Ha x

  2. I didn't at first, but when I did I couldn't stop laughing! I miss your sick mind, poor 'M', from Spain to Korea...
