Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Friday 1 August 2014

Nearly Half Way... (Saturday 2nd Aug 2014)

Dear Sal...

I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. The end of my second term fast approaches, and that means I am nearly half way through my year long escapade to Korea. The time has come for me to begin thinking of the future, my future. A future I thought I knew six months ago, one I had laid out in front of me, one I was looking forward to. But things have changed and my horizon is now as empty as this Pringels packet sat next to me. 

I'm not sure what to do... Stay working for a company that isn't too bad, but isn't that great? Look for new work in Daegu, Busan or even Seoul? I just don't know. One thing I am absolutely certain of is that I  will not be returning to England, not yet anyway. I like Korea a lot, it has it's ups and it most certainly has it's downs. I really do like living here, but for a whole another year? Without holidays? 

I'm thinking I have two options. Stay in Korean another year but look for work in a different school, or look for a job in a different country... The obvious thing about staying in Korea is the money. Sorting out a new visa and traveling to a new country that might not even pay for my flights, or accommodation doesn't sound very appealing.... Also I could save so much more here. I've been so frivolous with money in the past, now I'm actually earning a decent amount and am able to save I might as well save as much as I can, right? yes? No? What do you think? 

It's still early days, but over the last couple of weeks work has lost some of its charm. I begin to, not simple get annoyed at students, but to loath some of them. Don't get me wrong, some of the students are wonderful and make coming to work a joy, others however do not. And its not even their fault, they don't want to be here. It's their summer vacation and their parents are making them come to these English Academies two, three or even five times a week. Who can blame them for being disinterest, bored and rude? I know I would be at that age.

I won't be making any rush decisions just yet, I still have another six months to get through. Life here is so unexpected, I might change my mind entirely and come home tomorrow or stay forever. Who knows? I sure as hell don't. 

Love, hugs and - will you stop doing that!

Samuel James.

1 comment:

  1. Stay in Korea but go to Busan...or wait until I have a job somewhere and go there! Haha, I definitely think you should stay another year, you could save so much money and with me there...your options are endless! Who knows you might even 'turn' (sal pukes)! Haha x
