Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

KAPS Dogs Walking... (Sunday 14th Sep 2014)

Dear Sal,

Last Sunday I woke up reasonably early for the weekend. Well, eleven, but still that's pretty early for me. I had arranged to meet a friend of mine, named Anna, to take a trip on this glorious sunny day to the KAPS dog center. Once a month or so they arrange a group dog walking event. A chance for people to come and help out at the shelter, clean the cages and give the pups some fresh water. Allowing them the opportunity to have some exercise and much needed attention that they deserve.

Now I know what your thinking, and your completely right, I am more of a cat person. But since moving back in with my parents before moving out here, I spent a lot of my time with Holly. Not the smartest of dogs by all means, but still very sweet, and I'll amid I miss her a little. Ok, a lot. Not that I have been completely without the company of a K-9 since being here. You remember my dear friend Annyoung? Love him as I do, I think I much prefer dogs to have short hair. Hair that doesn't fall out all the time and stick to every garment of clothing you are wearing. 

I met Anna at Sagin Subway station, the KAPS dog center was only a few stops down the red subway line, Daemyeong Subway, which doesn't take very long at all. After leaving from exit four we made our way the short distance past the lift (I refuse to call them elevators) before turning left, we walked through a restaurant car park and arrived at the KAPS Dog center, you couldn't miss it. It was the place with the big KAPS sign and swamped by people. 

Of course, being an organised event that is open to anyone on Facebook meant that a larger number of people turned up then was expected. I believe only ten dogs could be walked that day and their was over thirty people. A seemingly surprised man who works their suggested we take it in turns to walk the dogs, or visit the cat sanctuary round the corner. Not to deprive others, especially the little children who looked so excited at the prospect of having their own dog to walk, we decided to visit the cats. 

The cat sanctuary was about ten times better then the cat cafe I visited a few months before. There was of course an unpleasant smell, but being outside made it bearable. And the cats where not swayed with the allure of treats, they where happy just for the attention. Coming up to say hello and rubbing themselves around my ankles. We spend about forty minuets of so walking around, playing with the cats, getting bitten and scratched. It made a nice change for a Sunday afternoon. 

I plan to go back soon to visit the dogs, but when it's less busy. You can go any day you like really, the extra help is always welcome. But they prefer that you come after two. Oh, and it's not open on Monday or Thursdays. 

Love, hugs and cat sound. 

Samuel James 

P.S) Please find enclosed a picture of a cat I named Lily Tomlin.

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