Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Monday 13 October 2014

Happy Chuseok.... (Wednesday 10th Sep 2014)

Dear Sal,

Once again I have neglected you over the last few weeks and I must apologies profusely. At the beginning of September so many new faces arrived in Daegu and I fell back in to bad habits. Being less adventures and more of a budding alcoholic. But no longer. For real this time. 

The first weekend of September saw Korea celebrate their national thanksgiving holiday of Chuseok. A three day holiday where Koreans visit their ancestral hometowns and share a glorious traditional Korean feast including fermented cabbage, among other things. Schools and business alike partake in allowing students and employees three extra days off to enjoy the harvest festival. Not me thought.

Once again the English academies in Korea have out done themselves, by opening their doors when every other one is closed. Ok, so we did get one day off, which came like finding a oasis in a desert. It's one of only two days we get off a year I'm told, and no, the other is not Christmas. By some fluke of luck this blessing of more time fell the day after me Birthday, great.

As you know, I hate my birthday. Something about being reminded of my life slowly ebbing away from me each year, doesn't fill me with the joy or excitement I see others feel. With the Korean national holiday and a majority of people having a five day weekend, most of my friends were out of Daegu. I made absolutely no plans. One of my closest friends was in Seoul for four days and needed a dog sitter. I was happy to oblige. 

A small ball of white fluff, who molts so much that you find his hairs on yourself even after several days of not seeing the little monster. His name is Annyoung, which is 'hello' in Korean and confuses everyone one of them that ask what he is called. "Hello?"

As the days before my birthday dwindled I was being increasingly asked, "what are you doing?" "Do you have any plans?" from the few friends who remained in town for the weekend. Nothing different from a normal Saturday night I said. Dinner and a few drinks... and then a few more. I didn't want a fuss, but it was not meant to be. 

My friends surprised me with a cake, made of three rather delicious cupcakes, that said 'biatch' on it. I was also presented with a pair of birthday sun glasses, a head band and a flaming shot. After that evening descended into chaos. I was given a ridiculous amount of free drinks, mainly shots from the establishments I usually reside in. One 'shot' was given to me in a tumbler glass, completely filled with an unidentified red liquid, which made its way down the sink and not my mouth. I'm finally learning to drink responsibly. 

After eventually finding my way back to me friends house, I settled in with Annyoung for the night, ate some left over pasta and watched Titanic about five times. Not a bad Chuseok weekend at all. 

Love, Hugs and I'm getting to old for this ship

Samuel James.

1 comment:

  1. Alochol, Titanic and a dog named 'Hello'?! Sooo standard Birthday then? Haha, well done sir x
