Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas... (Wednesday 24th Dec 2014)

Dear Sal,

Its' beginning to look at lot like... well, not Christmas. Sure it's freezing cold out, the ground is blanketed in snow, there are lights and decorations in every shop, subway and restaurant. You can't escape the bombardment of the festive season in Korea as the sounds of Mariah Carey, proclaiming her short Christmas wish list, fills the air. But somehow it just doesn't really feel like Christmas.

There was a warmth to Christmas in England, not a literal temperature, but a feeling. An excitement, the anticipation as the days dwindle until down until it arrived. And while most of the time I was always disappointed by the anticlimax, which was normally brought on by a hangover, it was still wonderful to feel like that. Like a child might. But in Korea, that feeling is lost. Maybe it's the fact that this will be my first Christmas without family, maybe because I have not decorated my apartment, or maybe it's because I will have to work six hours on Christmas day. 

What ever the reason could be I am determined to make the most of the day and enjoy myself with my close friends eating the traditional Christmas dinner of, Korean barbecue.  

Love, hugs and a merry Ludachristmas to you.

Samuel James

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Samuel! Hope you had a festive ole time...or not as the case may be! x
