Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy New Year... (Wednesday 31st Dec 2014)

Dear Sal,

Would you believe it's almost been a whole year since I have been in Korea, yet it feels like I have always been here. 2014 has probably been one of the most definitive years of life. Everything about it has changed, I moved to the other side of the world, I ended a nearly seven year relationship and I learned how to be independent. Living alone has taught some very valuable life lessons, self control, financial responsibility and proper food portioning. 

I'm not going to lie to you, this year hasn't been easy. Moving to Korea was hard enough, but the emotional consequences of bad decisions, cheap alcohol and a lack of family and friends only added to it. The first three months was more of a blur of booze infused nights out, as I struggled to come to terms with what I was doing and more importantly, what I wanted. But as hard as it was, it was what I needed at that point in my life. And what ever mistakes I may have made in the end I made the right decisions.

As the new year beings I feel optimistic for the future and what it brings. I am beyond excited to here the joyous news that, come this February, you will be joining the expat community over here in Korea. I know you will love it, and it will be nice to finally get a chance to see you face to face. Happy new year, Sal.

Love, Hugs and see you soon.

Samuel James.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Samuel, and yes, what a crazy year 2014 was! I literally can't wait to come out there and join you in Korea! How weird it is to say that, but knowing your journey over the last year, I'm sure it will be completely life changing and absoultuly marvellous! Looking forward to finally seeing your face, and drinking Soju with you...should I bring some redbull? Or does that not work? Haha!

    Love, hugs and yeah, I guess I'll see you soon!

    Sal x
