Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Obstacles... (Tuesday 6th Jan 2015)

Dear Sal,

Well the meeting didn't go as well as I hoped, maybe the nerves I felt were more of a premonition then I was willing admit. The good news is that they do want me to stay, however it turns out that the most amount of time I am allowed off is only a month, for several reasons. A substitute teacher would be too expensive, they need some one who knows how the schools system works, what ever that means, and it's not fair on the other teachers that I have that much time off. This throws all my plans in jeopardy. 

Of course I want to continue working for my current employer, but if that means I have to cut short my trip then I will have to leave and look for work else where. I have not told them this yet, but over the next few days I'm sure we will have another meeting to discuss my options. I know that if it comes down to it I will leave. As scary as it may be to start looking for a new job, this time away with Jason is more important to me. With him traveling all the time I don't get a chance to spend longer then a week or two at a time with him. Hopefully by the end of this week I will have a better idea of whats going to happen.

In other news I have become more of a recluse, as I desperately try to save as much money as I possible can. I have taken to withdrawing a fixed amount of cash and leaving my card in my apartment, so I don't get tempted to buy something unnecessary. For example, an extra drink I really don't need. So far it's been working pretty well, although I have found myself in several situations where I find people offering to lend me money or buy me something. For example, an extra drink I really don't need. I hate it.

Before coming to Korea I always had money, but only enough to get by. Pay the rent, buy food and occasionally splash out once in a while. Now I have more money then I've ever had in my life. The first few months I wasted a great deal on food and drinks, but over time I have learned how to control myself and my finances. Another year working here would enable me to save further, but now, I'm worried about my future. As I have told you before, I  believe things happen for a reason, so for now I will let the cards fall where they may, until then I will try my best to desperately try and catch them to no avail.

Love, Hugs and oh for the love of - 

Samuel James. 

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