Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Monday 5 January 2015

The Countdown Begins... (Monday 5th Jan 2015)

Dear Sal,

As the half way point to my last term approaches I am experiencing a mixture of emotions. Excitement, fear, hunger? The prospect of having some time off is a wonderful thought, the brief week away in Malaysia only whetted my appetite for traveling. Now the count down begins until the last day of term in six short weeks and the end of my contract. 

About five months ago I was angrily tapping out a letter to you, ranting about how annoying some of my students are, thinking to myself, how could I possibly stay another term? Let alone another year. But over time I have mellowed, and I realised that the percentage of bad students is greatly out weighted by the percentage of good. The benefits of the job are very good and I do actually like working here. In fact, this term may possibly have been my favorite term so far, not one bad class. So, I have decided to stay for one more year, with the three month break traveling across Russia I had previously planned. I just need to, gulp, talk to my boss first. 

The dreaded talk is something I have been putting off since the trip was proposed, and I don't really know why. I was quite confident that it wouldn't be a problem, but as the days wore on I became more and more worried. What if she says "no, you can't come back". What if shes says "No, get out!" and I lose my job there and then, forcing me out of the country and losing any hope of returning to work in the future. Am I being unnecessarily paranoid? Possibly, but I still can't help being nervous about this conversation, which I will be having later today... 

Love, hugs and wish me luck.

Samuel James.

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