Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Friday 7 February 2014

Dear Sal... (Friday 7th Feb 2014)

Dear Sal,

In one weeks time, I shall be leaving England to begin my year of teaching English in South Korea. Tomorrow will be the start of our last weekend together for over a year, and if one of us dies, then it will be our last one forever... If it's me, I hope you can move on in time. If it's you, I can live with that.

David has suggested/told me to write a blog to let the people at home know what we're getting up to on our year long excursion abroad, but I thought, no, I don't want to do that, no, thank you. But what I will do is write letters to Sarah so she can know what we're up to. Screw the rest of them.

I feel like we should really start packing and getting everything sorted, but I keep finding new games to play on my tablet. My biggest concern at the moment, apart from the fact that we won't get our visa until the day before we leave on the 15th, is that I won't be able take all my clothes. The luggage allowance is something stupid like 23kg, however much that is, not a lot apparently. I hear tale on the grape vine that I can pay extra to take another bag, but until we book the flights and know the airline, I feel powerless. I stare at my shoes and contemplate which ones will be left behind...  It's all a little to much for me. Oh well, you win some you lose some.

People keep asking me; What will you miss most about England? Apart from the inevitable fact that some of my shoes will be left, I have resigned myself to not think about the loss of my home comforts too much. What small joys I will miss will soon make themselves known, probably within hours of being there. I'll wait until then to worry and moan.

After what happened six months ago with our failed attempts to leave the country, I feel less nervous and more prepared than before. These last few months have been great for both of us. It's allowed me to escape the prison of retail and gain some much needed experience working with children. It's allowed David to work less and write more. The fact that he's writing for four blogs now and is getting paid is amazing, and doesn't make me jealous at all.

Anyway, I have to go and buy a very large bottle of vodka to get me through my last weekend with friends and family for a while.

Love, hugs, kisses and fake heartfelt goodbyes.

Samuel James