Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Monday 17 February 2014

Travelling... Part Two. (Monday 17th Feb 2014)

Dear Sal,

It's not as cold here as we were led to believe. I carried the world's biggest scarf for no reason. I had a moment of deja vu as we walked through the gate. Seeing the sea of people waiting for loved ones to arrive, holding signs of peoples names to be met and picked up. I scanned them, knowing neither of our names would be there, but hoping they would have taken pity on us. They didn't.

We saw a celebrity. I have absolutely no idea who it was, but they came out the gate right after us and were swamped by hundreds of Korean teenage girls. On our search to find a bus ticket office, we were approached about twenty times to be asked if we wanted a taxi. Through my sleep deprived eyes I thought it was the same two men, but I'm not sure. Maybe they weren't either. 

The itinerary we were given informed us to call our recruiter as soon as we brought the bus tickets, to let her know we'd arrived safely and what time we'd hope to get to the hotel. Of course she didn't answer. After a few attempts, we gave up and joined the line to get our bus. Lucky for us, the bus made announcements in Korean and English, how kind. Unlucky for us, the driver decided not to stop at our destination. Now, the buses in Korea aren't like buses in England, where you have to press the button to get off. This guy was stopping for ages at almost every stop, regardless of people getting on or off, just not ours. After realising we'd missed it, we abandoned ship, and walked the short distance to Ganggnam Station to follow the itinerary map given to us to find our hotel.

The walk itself wasn't the bad thing, it was the four bags and twenty two kg of extra  weight that we carried and dragged. Oh, yeah and the stairs, the never ending stairs. My neck and back hurt from sleeping on the plane, and now both arms and legs ache as well. But that's enough moaning for now. We're sharing a room for the week, which is a relief. I was worried we'd end up with some random people. It's a pretty big room, with a small kitchen, double wardrobe, desk and a dinning table. It even has a washing machine and a little room to smoke in. Result.

Right, I'm knackered and off to bed. I'll try my best to keep you updated over there next week as our training begins. 

Love and hugs,

Samuel James.