Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

The Packing Commences... (Wednesday 12th Feb 2014)

Dear Sal,

The flights have finally been booked. We leave at nine o'clock Saturday evening and arrive in Korea by ten to five Sunday afternoon. We had to pay a little more than we expected, and more than the school will reimburse us for. But... at least it's a direct flight with no lay over. Eleven hours sounds a hell of a lot better then eighteen. Now, the packing commences.

With the tickets came the knowledge that our baggage allowance is only twenty kg, which has filled me with dread. How many shirts do I really need? Is five jackets excessive? When was the last time I wore that? Are jumpsuits still in fashion? I have been asking myself all these questions and many more over the last twenty-four hours.

This afternoon, we did a packing test run. Sad I know, but necessary. All my fears evaporated when we weighed the bags and they were both around the fifteen kg mark. I have so much more space,  I might even go shopping again. I'm no longer worried  about the packing and feel like we're more than prepared now. I know you don't care, but please find enclosed my final check list...

I hope I haven't forgotten anything...
Tonight was our final meal with some close friends. Saying goodbye felt strange. David got upset, but I just felt numb. It's not that I'm not sad to say goodbye or that I won't miss people, it's just that it still doesn't feel real to me yet. Almost like I'm just waiting for something to go wrong again. I've never been very good with goodbyes, it's usually not until I've gone and I'm on my own that it really hits me. 

Maybe saying goodbye to you or my family will make me crack, or show signs of genuine human emotions. I'm not looking forward to finding out.

Love, hugs and awkward high-fives that just miss.

Samuel James 

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