Dear Sal... A collection of letters home to England from South Korea.

Monday 10 February 2014

The Last Weekend... (Monday 10th Feb 2014)

Dear Sal,

The countdown to departure begins. With only five days to go, I've started to feel the first pangs of nerves. I still haven't began to pack and still don't know when and who are flights are with.  I've started smoking again. 

Going to London on Friday was a nightmare. We planned to get the eight fifteen train, arriving at Victoria just before ten. The two hour window the Korean embassy is open for to apply for a visa, doesn't leave much room for any mishaps. We had until twelve. David and I had been on the train less then an hour before it stopped and the conductor made an announcement. A train had broken down at the junction at Gatwick, causing every train  to be delayed for an unknown length of time.

In that moment I felt defeated. In a matter of seconds I ran through  the scenario of us getting to the embassy too late, having to come up to London the following Monday, causing us to miss our deadline, leading to the schools cancelling our contracts and us having to stay in England, again. I felt humiliated, broken and sick to my stomach.

Over the next half an hour the packed carriage of passengers all reach for their phones. Calling work to say they'll be late for their meeting and calling friends to let them know they'd have to miss lunch. I overheard one woman calling a hospital, panicked that her daughter won't make her surgery she'd been waiting months for. I couldn't speak to David, who remained surprisingly positive. I tried to seek solace in my iPod, and found my finger scrolling to Kate Bush. I have no idea how, but Rubber Band Girl eased me slightly.

The announcement that finally came to inform us the train would shortly be moving couldn't come soon enough. We made it to the embassy with half an hour to spare. Even after we left and I brought an overpriced pack of cigarettes, I couldn't shake the knot in my stomach for the rest of the day.

This weekend has been marvellous. Our return to Lewes was a nostalgic trip down memory lane. The last lunch at Robson's was only dampened by the lack of musical notes plates, and that guy that spend forever in the toilet when I really needed to piss. Not even the decency of a courtesy spray, how rude. Thank you for giving me the gist of The Secret, you saved me hours of wasted time reading it. If only I knew the power of positive thinking the day before, when I needed it. Oh wait, I didn't.

Finding the last maze pen in Bright Ideas was the highlight of my weekend, it was so sweet of those ladies to search their desk draws and find you one, even if it was broken without a lid.

The evening went by in a blur to quickly. It was so good to see so many faces before the two of us leave, although I would have liked to have spent longer with some people and see others who couldn't make it. I feel a strange mixture of emotions today as I begin the inevitable final goodbyes, but it could just be the hangover.

To avoid any broken down trains, suicides or birds on the track, we'll be coming up to London the day before to pick up our visa's from the embassy on Friday. Can I stay at yours? Thanks.

Until Thursday,

Samuel James

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sam,

    This weekend WAS marvellous, although I fear that it may take me at least a year to get over the hang over....Just in time for your return conveniently. Bright ideas, robsons and your FACE were my favorite parts and oh how I am going to miss it! David's....not so much! Jokes! Thursday is a definite, I'll get the broken maze pen ready - incase you need to write with no ink! Sold!

    Love and inapprioate touching, Sal xx
